Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Exactly IS a Ghostwriter?

Many people have heard of ghostwriters, but don't really know exactly how it works. When you hire a ghostwriter, you are hiring someone to write totally unique content that will be yours to use in any fashion you like, as if you wrote it yourself.

A very large percentage of online marketers and business owners on the web use ghostwriting services to write their content for them. This content may include articles to drive traffic and build one way links to websites, or may include blog posts and actual on-site content to help optimize for key terms and phrases. Many ghostwriters also write special reports for website owners to give away in exchange for names and email addresses, and press releases. Actually, any content you need for your business can be written by a professional ghostwriter, and no one will ever know that you didn't write it yourself.

What kinds of rates do ghostwriters charge? They vary widely. I have seen sites that actually charge $100 and up for a 500 word article. In my opinion, this is way over the top but I'm sure some people do pay that much! On the other end of the spectrum, I have seen people who charge $2 or $3, but this blows my mind. In my opinion, my time and effort to research the topic and write a compelling article is worth more than 2 bucks. On average, you can find many ghostwriters that provide you with a good quality 400-500 word article for about $10 to $20.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Online Marketing Web Page Copywriting

Sounds like a mouthful, doesn't it? If you have an online business, you must implement various online marketing strategies to insure that your website gets noticed, both by your visitors and the search engines. Online marketing web page copywriting simply means that you want someone to write your website pages in a way that is compelling to your visitors, and interests them enough for them to consider purchasing your product or service. At the same time, you want your pages optimized for the search engines so that they take notice of your site.

In order for the visitors that come to your site to stay, you must capture their interest from the very first second! If you don't know this, you have about 3 to 5 seconds to grab their attention or they are gone forever, most likely never to return. You have to identify with their problem or pain, and assure them from the get go that you have the solution, and what the benefits are.

If you are not a writer but need exceptional content for your site, you can either learn how to do it yourself or hire a professional. Learn more about online marketing web page copywriting, and see how affordable our rates are! We will transform your business from fizzle to sizzle, and the words we use are simply MAGIC.