Sunday, November 22, 2009

Should a Ghostwriting Service Be Competent in SEO?

Unfortunately, many web masters go in search of a ghostwriting service, never considering whether the company they hire has a strong understanding of SEO. Think about this for a minute. If the writer you hire is not competent in this area, how is the content they write for you going to benefit your business?

In order for a ghostwriter to provide you with top quality content that will draw targeted visitors and the search engines, they should have a pretty good concept of the workings of SEO. Once they understand how certain words are the basis that everything else hinges on, it all starts to make sense.

From the moment a person keys in what they are searching for to the second they find that information, it all evolves around keywords. True, backlinks count for high rankings, but the anchor text in those links are again - keywords.

A good ghostwriting service should be able to provide you with web page content, articles, blog posts, press releases and any other writing you need, but it should also be well written. This effort is two-fold; first, you want the information to be of value and interest to the reader. Then, it should be optimized well with your chosen key terms and phrases, but this should all flow in a natural way. Nothing is worse than for someone to arrive at your site to find content that doesn't make sense! It makes your website and YOU look unprofessional.

While you may leave all of the strategies and methods used to rank your website high to the search engine optimization firms and experts, you need expertise where it really counts - in your content. By choosing a ghostwriting service that is also proficient in SEO strategies, you can be sure that you get just what you need. Great content, and attention from humans as well as search engines! What does this mean for you? A successful, profitable online business.

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