Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ghostwriting - My first project

I will never forget the day I finally got the nerve to promote my services. When you market affiliate products, you can really maintain a low profile. You don't necessarily have to "put yourself out there" so others can see what you are all about.

On the first day after I had decided I would become a ghostwriter, I decided to put an ad on Craigslist. I set up an account, did the phone verification, and placed an ad. As I clicked on the "publish my ad" button, I nearly fainted.

I thought to myself, what will I do if someone responds to my ad? It's a very different feeling when you are paid to write for someone else than when you are writing for yourself. I sucked it in, and told myself I would be fine. And I was.

The very next day, I had my first client! This client wanted 10 articles about a topic I was somewhat familiar with. What luck, that I didn't start right off with a subject like klingons or something. Anyway, that client was very happy and gave me more work. In fact, I still write for him.

I have since written about many topics, and it gets easier with each one. Ghostwriting really isn't that difficult, and it is very rewarding producing content that will help someone else's business.

Stay tuned for more!

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