Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Article Writing - How Many Ghostwriters Begin

How did I get started in the ghostwriting business? Quite by accident, really. I was (and still am) an affiliate marketer, meaning I sell other merchants products online. In promoting these products, I wrote many articles.

I logged in one day to submit another article, and realized that I had written over 600 articles! The thought instantly occured to me, "Why not become a ghostwriter?" I love writing about different topics, and must say I'm pretty darn good.

Article writing is now my first priority, although I do write reports and ebooks as well. If the subject is familiar to me, it takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to whip up an excellent quality article. Of course if I have to research the topic it takes longer - but look how much I learn!

Every ghostwriter should write articles, no doubt about it.

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