Monday, February 2, 2009

Article Ghostwriting - My first weekend in February

I received an email from a new client on Friday evening, wanting 10 articles expedited by Sunday evening if possible. Of course, I agreed to do the project. When you are just starting out, you will accept just about anything.

These articles ranged in topics from personal injury lawsuits to iPod car adapters. Talk about a learning experience! When you are an article ghostwriter, you write about subjects you sometimes have never even heard of - but it's fun.

I enjoy the challenge of taking a topic I am really unfamiliar with and creating good content for my client. Not only do I learn alot, I get to help others with good content for their business. On the internet, you have to have interesting and compelling information, or people will quickly hit the "back" button and go on to the next site.

Anyway, for any of you would-be ghostwriters out there, you should give it a try. It's fun, you meet lots of neat people, and you learn more than you ever wanted to know:)

Oh, I almost forgot the ending to this story. I got the ten articles done at 3 pm (central time) on Sunday, sent them over to my new client and he was ecstatic! Don't you love happy endings?

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