Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ghostwriting for $2? You've Got to be Kidding!

I read on forums quite often where people get so called "good quality" articles ghostwritten for $2 or $3. Have these people lost their minds?

Ghostwriting isn't a simple process that a 3 year old could handle. In fact, some topics take a good deal of research to write about, if you are unfamiliar with the topic. If I take a topic that I really don't know much about, it can take 30 minutes or more to research enough that I can write an exceptional quality article.

Add to that the keyword optimization, writing compelling content and putting the files together, and I think you will agree that $2 is a slap in the face. Who would write for that amount of money? Not a professional who is proud of their work, I would say.

Being a ghostwriter is a profession, and professionals don't usually work for peanuts. Just my opinion!

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